Proactive Implementation
Strateq emphasizes the importance of proactive and effective implementation yet serious on safety of our customers and our staff. Our knowledge and skill together with the flexibility in delivering a cloud-based solution allow us to use automation and remote sessions to implement our HIS solution for your facility efficiently and cost-effectively while still maintaining a seamless and quality implementation.

Work closely with you
Our teams will work closely with your teams using easy to use communication tools and conferencing mediums to guide and maintain contact with your teams. This will ensure that we are not only meeting the data gathering and build requirements but are also able to address the cultural change issues that occur when implementing a new HIS or EHR.
Key Implementation Benefits
Pre-integrated and tested end-to-end HIS solution.
Train the Trainer
We provide role based “Train the Trainer” trainings.
We strive to minimize disruption to your financial and clinical workflows.
Peace of Mind
Implement and train by industry experts.
Multiple channels of communications remotely and on-site with your teams.
Smooth Sailing
Extensive Go Live support both onsite and remote.